Below you will find links to diverse and valuable community, conservation and resource management organizations with whom we are proud to work. Every one of these organizations contributes in some way to understanding or conserving our aquatic and terrestrial natural resources. We recognize and appreciate their contributions and are honored to work with every one of them.
- American Fisheries Society
- American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
- American Water Resources Association
- Blackfeet Nation
- Center for Native Plants
- City of Whitefish
- Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
- Collaborative Water Resolution LLC
- Crown of the Continent Ecosystem Education Consortium (COCEEC)
- Crown Managers Partnership
- Flathead Conservation District
- Flathead CORE
- Flathead County
- Flathead Lake Biological Station
- Flathead Lakers
- Flathead Land Trust
- Fourworlds
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality
- Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks
- Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Montana Freshwater Partners
- Montana Water Center
- Montana Watershed Coordination Council
- North American Lake Management Society
- Northwest Montana Lakes Network
- National Park Service
- Society of Freshwater Science
- Swan Valley Connections
- Swan Lakers
- Trout Unlimited
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- United States Forest Service, Flathead National Forest
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
- West Valley Naturalists
- Whitefish Chamber of Commerce
- Whitefish Convention and Bureau
- Whitefish Legacy Partners
- Western Montana Conservation Commission