Whitefish Lake Institute coordinates two citizen science programs through partnerships with other agencies.
Citizen Science Programs
The Northwest Montana Lakes Network (NMLN) is a partnership between Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Whitefish Lake Institute, and over 50 citizen scientists. Our mission is to recruit and train volunteers to monitor water quality, identify Aquatic Invasive Species and promote watershed stewardship in northwest Montana. NMLN currently collects long term trend information on forty-one lakes in Flathead, Lake, Lincoln and Missoula counties.
The Upper Columbia Lakes Network (UCLN) was formed to support the Upper Columbia Conservation Commissions (UC3 ) AIS early detection efforts. UCLN provides an opportunity to engage lake groups and citizens in long-term water quality stewardship. The UCLN program aims to incorporate new partner groups, add to the volunteer base, and allow more high priority lakes that are not currently sampled to be monitored. The UCLN identifies interested groups within the region, provides equipment, and offers training for AIS monitoring and decontamination protocols.