Whitefish Lake Elevation & Temperature
Science and Education Today,
A Vision for Tomorrow
Montana Lake Ice Observation Survey!
Fill out the survey to help Whitefish Lake Institute keep track of which lakes are frozen! Have you seen a lake freeze recently? Is a lake near you still open water? Take the survey and let us know!
Apply for the Whitefish Lake Institute Internship
Applications Due on March 15th
View Real Time Lake Data
What We Do
The Whitefish Lake Institute (WLI) is a science and education based 501(c)(3) non-profit led by a small, dedicated staff, volunteer board of directors and advised by a Science Advisory Committee. WLI is not an advocacy organization—instead we conduct research and provide scientific data to help citizens and resource managers make informed decisions. WLI accomplishes its work through three key platforms, Science, Education, and Aquatic Resource Initiatives. Within these three focus areas, we establish programs appropriate to achieving the goals of our mission. WLI is funded by memberships, grants, special events, and through programmatic partnerships with other organizations and resource agencies. ocean.
How We Do It
In addition to the work accomplished by our staff, WLI also partners with other organizations to creatively fund research and develop programs that benefit Whitefish Lake, other local water resources, and the stakeholders that benefit from them. Data resulting from our Science program are provided to resource managers and the community to enable informed decision making on water quality issues. Efforts through our Education program include outdoor education opportunities for grades K-12, college internships, and presentations to community groups. Our Aquatic Resource Initiatives include special research projects and programs deemed valuable for protecting our water resources, and staff participation in organizations that extend our reach. WLI also trains volunteer citizen scientists — in Flathead, Lake, Lincoln and Missoula counties—to monitor lakes through the Northwest Montana Lakes Network (NMLN).