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Whitefish Lake Institute is not an advocacy organization—instead we conduct research and provide scientific data to help citizens and resource managers make informed decisions. WLI accomplishes its work through three key platforms, Science, Education, and Aquatic Resource Initiatives. Within these three focus areas, we establish programs appropriate to achieving the goals of our mission.


Our scientists conduct research for the community and resource managers to enable them to make informed water quality decisions in the Whitefish Lake Watershed and beyond.

Education & Outreach

WLI reaches citizens in Whitefish and its surrounding communities through our education programs.

Aquatic Resource Initiatives

WLI conducts special research projects and programs deemed valuable for protecting our water resources and the need for scientific information.

Averill’s Viking Creek Wetland Preserve

WLI owns and manages 28.82 acres of important water-cleansing wetlands and wildlife habitat. The primary function of this wetland is water quality buffering and wildlife habitat.